3 Candida Home Test For Checking Yeast Infection
If you are concerned about your health due to the candida yeast infection, then this excerpt will provide some of the home tests that will be very effective for getting the right idea. Candida is an enzyme present in the body, and candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by yeast consumption. If you are following a dietary schedule and sometimes an irritation on the throat, vagina, skin occurs, then it is mandatory to get the tests done. These tests are quite expensive, but if you follow Eric Bakker Candida Diet, you can get some of the options that can help you conduct tests at home. Here we are providing some of the information about these three tests.
3 Candida Home Test
The Itch Test
Though itching is a natural stimulus, sometimes, it increases substantially. If you are experiencing a massive amount of itching in your body parts, this could be due to the yeast presence. It may lead you to different chronic itching diseases such as eczema, ringworm, etc. Keep a check on these at home and if you find something unusual, then consult the doctor.
Sugar Craving Test
The main feature of any dietary schedule is the prevention of sugar intake. This includes a watch over sugar cravings such as a sweet tooth. Yeast feed off sugars, and the more it gets, it craves for more. Keeping a check on these functionalities that can provide you a sign of candida yeast infection. Try to keep yourself away from any sugar intake for three days.
Saliva Test
The saliva test is quite simple. In the morning, you have to spit out in a glass filled with water. If the spit floats for several hours, then it is ok, but if the saliva stays on top and has tendrils, it may be a sign for yeast infection.
Candida Diet Eric Bakker provides directions to conduct these tests as these are quite simple and can help you get aware of the yeast infection being at home. Keeping a check on these signs can help you in keeping the yeast infection at bay.